How to Frost a Window for More Privacy

Kaysi Gardner
by Kaysi Gardner
1 Material
30 Minutes
Do you any some kind of eye sore when you walk into your house? Well we do and it is my son's bedroom. It's a bedroom but the previous owners used it as an office and so there are glass french doors that go to it. I used to have little curtains on the doors but then the kids kept pulling them down, so we needed to find another solution for it because I hated when people came to my house, the first thing they saw was my son's messy bedroom.
Here is what it looks like when you walk into my house. It's not that it's super dirty (well majority of the time it is) it's just not super pretty either.
So I decided that I wanted to "frost" the glass because I didn't want to lose the light but I also didn't want to be able to see in. So I found some vinyl to put on it (to see where I bought it and how exactly to put it on, check out my blog post).
It only took about 30 minutes to do and I love the results! Plus my son thinks the design is cool!
Now when people come to my house, I can just shut the doors and they will see this instead of the dirty bedroom that is behind it :).

If you have any questions about this post make sure to check out my blog post that has a detailed instructions on how to do this.
Suggested materials:
  • Vinyl
Kaysi Gardner
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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