My old kitchen cabinets have a 3" edge on bottom. Can it be removed?

by Kza19067185
  5 answers
  • It probably can be removed but the question will be as to what is behind it. You might have an open blank space that won't look "finished". Could you perhaps refinish or paint it?

  • Kza19067185 Kza19067185 on May 08, 2017

    Yes I would have to repaint the cabinet where I cut it off but I would just cut it up the to bottom of the cabinet. That would give me more space under the cabinet. Thanks,

  • Justme Justme on May 08, 2017

    I've seen people add drawers and step stools in that space so it doesn't get wasted

  • Cynthia Cynthia on May 08, 2017

    I think you are talking about what is called the toe kick space. Not sure how you would anticipate using that space, as behind there may be unfinished. If you'd simply like to change the appearance, "feet"( available in lumber departments) can be addd at the ends of cabinets to create the illusion of furniture pieces. Good luck.

  • Kza19067185 Kza19067185 on May 08, 2017

    I'm sorry I may not have worded it correctly it is a 3 inch "lip" on the bottom of my top cabinets.