How do you keep unpainted cement birdbaths clean?

by Nancy

Tips on how to clean a birdbath, please? I have an unpainted cement one and it always gets black slime, should I paint them?

  7 answers
  • Linda Linda on Jul 17, 2017

    use paint that is safe for birds to drink out of. The people at paint store should be able to help you. Other than that...I think elbow grease and a brush do the truck. Any chemicals can hurt the birds

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Jul 17, 2017

    I use a steel scouring pad and just rinse really well.

  • Karen Krysowaty Karen Krysowaty on Jul 17, 2017

    Just scrub out once a week and it should be fine. You can get paint made for cement but is not going to change the problem. Our had green sludge from the trees above and painting did nothing to change that.

  • Melissa Travis Thompson Melissa Travis Thompson on Jul 17, 2017

    Empty it and sprinkle baking soda on it. Then pour vinegar on it and it will cause the baking soda to kick into action and lift the slime. Science is so fasinating!

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 17, 2017

    My mom had an unpainted cement bird bath. She used bleach to get rid of the black or green that scrubbing didn't get and just rinsed it with the hose real well before she refilled it. It never seemed to harm the birds, and she had a lot of them that visited her bird bath. I got a plastic one with a polished basin for that reason, so far it just needs hosing out and it is sparking again!

  • Nancy Nancy on Jul 18, 2017

    Thank you for the suggestion, I will try them all out!

  • Babette Babette on Sep 15, 2017

    I asked the associates at the wild bird store and they said to use a little bleach and water, scrub good then rinse well.