Why so much paper on my kitchen table-my fault too?

by Gra31031357
  6 answers
  • What kind of paper? Mail, bills, newspapers, coupons? If so you need a system to handle all these items. I turned a bedroom into a home office, but not everyone has that luxury. Explore mail and paperwork systems till you hit on one that works for your household. What works for me, may not work for you. Here are a few links to get you started.




  • Ginny Ginny on Oct 05, 2017

    Somebody put it there or it has legs and jumped there to be closer to you.

    Seriously, find an area where you can open mail, sort, recycle and pay your bills. A small desk will work wonders if properly organized. If you don't have desk utensils, shop Dollar Tree for trays and baskets to help you get organized.

    Also, ask your family members (if you don't live alone) to please stop parking stuff there....it happens. Don't get discouraged because it takes time and effort.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Oct 05, 2017

    I keep a basket on the table and when it's full of receipts, etc. it's time to go through it. Most of the mail stops at a small desk by the front door, but, for receipts and paperwork that migrates to the table, that's been my best solution. I can only control where I put things.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 05, 2017


  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Oct 05, 2017

    We have a brick ledge that separates the side door and the kitchen from the living room, that and the coffee table in the living room are the collection places in our house. Once a week I try to go through and throw away everything and put away what stays. I wish I could stop this, but better those two places than god knows where it will all end up!

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 06, 2017

    Cindy has the right answer, you need a specific place where all that stuff should go. Try a wicker basket, or a draw if you have one available. This will keep some order, and it's a catch-all so you know where it is, whatever it is.