Asked on Oct 31, 2017

How to fix a fabric shower curtain that is too long

by Debbie
My daughter bought a fabric shower curtain liner and it is too long! Please Helpicon

  10 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 31, 2017

    You have 3 choices..... 1 hem it up- you could use iron-on Stitch Witch if you don't sew, 2 move the rod up, 3 return it.

  • What type of shower curtain rod does she have? If it is a simple tension rod, just move it up a bit.

  • Sandee Trumbull Sandee Trumbull on Oct 31, 2017

    Can you move the rod up a few inches that holds it?

    • Debbie Debbie on Nov 01, 2017

      No , it is connected all around the tub! Another rod can't be placed anywhere cause there is no wall to connect it to. Thanks for trying to help

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 31, 2017

    Is the shower curtain solid fabric, or does it have one side that is vinly coasted/plasticized? If so, then if you choose to sew hem the bottom up, you will need to use a special sewing machine needle that pierces through the vinyl without ripping it.

    If you choose the no sew pre-glued tape that irons on, you do risk melting the vinyl and getting your iron gunked up.

    • Debbie Debbie on Nov 01, 2017

      Shower liner is all fabric. I am afraid if we cut is it will all fray also has the magnetic circles in it to hold it down. Thanks for trying to help!

  • Smh13856668 Smh13856668 on Oct 31, 2017

    if made out of material that doesn't fray, just cut it off like you would the liner! Or you could take another fold in the hem.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Nov 01, 2017

    Can use hemming tape that requires ironing or hem on sewing machine or by hand

  • 17335038 17335038 on Nov 03, 2017

    As the curtain is all fabric, yes the cut-off bottom will fray if not folded under and sewn across to enclose the raw ends.

    Since you do want to keep the bottom intact as it has the magnets, then another option is to fold the curtain up the amount of inches it is too long, folding it up in the middle.

    Pin in place first, then sew across with the stitching line holding the fold down in place. Any one with a ruler and basic sewing skills shoud be able to do this easily.

  • Kba27697237 Kba27697237 on Nov 03, 2017

    rIse the showercurtain bar.

  • Mary Louise Mary Louise on Jul 11, 2019

    I had this problem with a fabric shower curtain with the best part of design at the bottom ...... so I took a big tuck at the top on the inside. Measure how much too long, carefully pin the tuck 1/2 that amount, press and sew along the top seam line, press flat and you've got it.

  • Marianne Agwada Marianne Agwada on Apr 07, 2021

    Debbie I have similar problem. How did you fix yours.