How can I decorate with turkey?

Bonnie kimble
by Bonnie kimble
  8 answers
  • Pg Pg on Nov 03, 2017

    Baste it every half hour with a mixture of vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and put an aluminum foil tent around it while it is baking. Remove the foil during the last 30 minutes if it needs more browning.

  • Cher Cher on Nov 03, 2017

    Take a clean brown paper bag, butter the inside thoroughly top, bottom, and sides. season turkey and put inside, roll end of bag tight. Place bag with turkey in a pan with at least one inch sides (depending on size of meat so fat doesn't spill onto oven). Roast as you would usually, but it will take a lot less time to cook in the bag. Self bastes and comes out tender and juicy every time. Can do with any poultry, chicken, turkey, etc., whole or parts.

  • Amanda Amanda on Nov 03, 2017

    Hi Bonnie. Also make sure you let the turkey rest after cooking. I make a 23-25lb turkey and let it rest for about 45 minutes before cutting.

  • Judy Judy on Nov 03, 2017

    I use the powdered Ranch Dressing, and put this into a cooker, and add 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup, and then let this cook for 6 hours, and you will have the tops of prepared food. We use this all the time, and use it for chicken, pork chops, and beef. I put just a bit on the bottom of the cooker, before I add the meat, so everything is covered. Ours turns out GREAT!!! Best wishes, J.

  • Big lulu Big lulu on Nov 03, 2017

    Use a Brown N Bag

    Google How to cook a turkey breast

  • Chr9898559 Chr9898559 on Nov 04, 2017

    Bonnie, Every turkey breast that I have ever cooked has always turned out juicy And I have baked them for over 45 years. What I do is spray the bottom of a roaster pan (the navy blue speckled kind) and put the turkey breast in there, breast side up. Add about a cup of water to the pan. Cover it, making sure the cover is all the way on the pan so no steam will escape when baking. Bake for the specified time on the turkey breast. They have come out so juicy every time, and that is the only roasting pan I use when baking my turkeys or turkey breast, or chickens. It may have something to do with that type of roasting pan. The key here is to make sure that the lid is on tight so no steam escapes during the baking process regardless of whatever pan you decide to use. I hope this helps.

  • Susan Harris Seeley Susan Harris Seeley on Nov 04, 2017

    use a meat thermometer. When the breast has about 5-7 degrees left to go before done, take it out of the oven, cover tightly with foil. It will continue to cook while resting. Let it rest about 15 min to absorb the juices. Don’t over cook.