Methods to soften face washers

Sandra Harris
by Sandra Harris
Is there an easy way to soften face washes which become stiff after washing, I use fabric softener in my wash but this does not help.

  9 answers
  • Fabric softener can build up on fabric over time. I stopped using it over 10 years ago, but for other reasons. Wash with a free and clear type detergent and add vinegar and baking soda to you wash. I place vinegar in the softener dispenser. Then make or purchase felted wool dryer balls. The dryer balls will help dry the laundry a bit quicker and make your items soft and fluffy.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jan 23, 2018

    Try old fashioned cold cream, in the cosmetics department. Other that, I would say start rinsing before the face wash gets stiff. Best wishes ☺️

  • GoddessOdd GoddessOdd on Jan 23, 2018

    Do you mean wash cloths made of terry cloth? Fabric softener is usually not a good idea on terry cloth, it ruins the absorbency. It makes them smell good, but work a lot less efficiently. If your terry cloth is rinsed well and air dried, they will be stiff. (Many people like this, especially in bath towels). Terry cloth dried in a dryer, even for a short while, will be soft.

  • Jean Jean on Jan 23, 2018

    Softner is a killer on build up. Try doing just a good warm wash with vinegar only we if that's better.

    Avoid using too much detergent , it really builds up and I put vinegar in rinse cup as well.

    Good test is load washer w/o detergent let it till. Look inside you may be surprised at how much soap is left in them..

  • V Smith V Smith on Jan 24, 2018

    Flannel makes a nice washcloth, it can be softened just by scrunching it up in a ball before you use it.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jan 24, 2018

    Well, I feel goofy with my answer. I thought she meant the face scrubs and other treatments were hardening on her face. I started with the Merle Norman pink face mask about 55 years ago. That stuff was as dangerous to your eyes as it was good for your skin. Oops!

  • Staci Staci on Jan 24, 2018

    use white vinegar and make sure all the soap is rinsing out

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jan 24, 2018

    Put your clothes through a second or third rinse if it's really bad. If that doesn't completely work, use a little vinegar in your rinse. You most likely have a build up of soap. Rotate your laundry detergent through at least 2 or 3 different kinds of laundry detergent and use a liquid as the powdered kind is full of fillers. Fabric softener also builds up in your clothes. It makes your clothes less absorbent.


    add a couple cups of vinegar to the fabric softner. you wont be sorry!