A wild honeysuckle has gotten tangled up with my Clemitus.

by Ani15593843
How do I kill the honeysuckle without killing the Clemitus?

  1 answer
  • Pg Pg on Feb 18, 2018

    This is the closest I could come to your actual question. Other articles recommended constantly pulling up the honeysuckle. I hope this helps.

    turbo_tpl(z7a Richland WA)

    One thing you might try is to paint the stems with concentrate of Brush-Be-Gone (active ingredient triclopyr). What I do is peel off some of the loose, papery bark to get down to the cambium, then apply it. It should be absorbed into the stem, killing the root system, but without the "collateral damage" from broadcast spraying. This would also prevent runoff into water bodies.

    I agree with the others - the salt is an idea that will have environmental repercussions beyond getting rid of a plant. You're probably going to cause a lot more environmental damage than you would with careful application of herbicides with short soil-half life.