Need to get rid of mites

by Shi32150922
i was given an entomologist's email address about 2 months ago & i have lost it
could i get it again on mites & parasites?

  5 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Mar 07, 2018

    Hi Shirley,

    I looked up the question you asked before but didn't see an email address. Maybe you meant you were given a website??? or maybe you found an email address on that website??? Click on the link below to see the other discussion. Wishing you the best.

    What can i do to get rid of mites in the home & on our bodies?
  • Go to the top of the screen. On the right hand side, you will see a "bell" icon. Click on it. This is where all your past entries are stored - you can find it there.

    Or, just Google for entomologists in your area.

    Or contact your local Agricultural Extension, they will be able to help you too.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Mar 07, 2018

    Your local extension could help.

    I would try there.

    I have had a lawn/turf professor from the large university answer my turf questions.

    A great resource that I have used and highly recommend your local Cooperative extension. These offices are manned by a wonderful team of master gardeners that know your local situation quite well. There's also email ( submit a photo) Q&A resources that have helped my concerns and questions many times. Consider googling up your local extensions office.

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  • ask whoever gave you original information

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 07, 2018

    Most common mite infesting humans is scabies..... you will need to see a doctor, and everyone in the house and who you've been in contact with will need to be treated..... a dermatologist or even a family doctor should be able to help.

    The house and car will have to be repeatedly treated and all bedding, towels and clothing will need to be cleaned in hot water and I like to use borax in the wash.

    If you are around livestock, you may have contracted it from horses.