DIY cleaning solution for nicotine on walls/ceiling?

by ShawnMarie
My husband and I just quit smoking! Ya for us! After 30 yrs of smoking. Yuck! The house we live in has suffered 7 of those years. And we mostly smoked in the master bedroom. I want to do a good scrubbing and cleaning of the whole house. Maybe paint afterwards. Budget is tight so what diy solution is best?? Any ideas n opinions appreciated..thanksicon

  9 answers
  • Vinegar water solution works wonder! Wash everything from top to bottom, including ceilings. Have carpets professionally cleaned too. Let no surface go untouched. Will take a while, but no rush!

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 27, 2018

    way to go on stopping the cigarettes!! you will start to feel so much better, I will be 4 years smoke free in oct. try the link below to clean your walls!!

  • After cleaning the walls and ceiling, use Kilz paint.

  • Janice Janice on Mar 27, 2018

    Congratulations! That's awesome that you've kicked that habit. Vinegar works wonders as was mentioned. Also, rinsing everything with a mixture of water and with a few drops of tea tree oil will also help to disinfect. It can be purchased at Sprouts, Trader Joe's or any health food store.

    Also, for longer term, place some charcoal briquettes (used for outdoor bar-b-que) in small bowls various areas of your home for a month or so. They will keep absorbing the odor. Good luck to you both!

  • Gale Allen Jenness Gale Allen Jenness on Mar 27, 2018

    Don’t know about home made solutions? But my parents were smokers for years too and I was always cleaning off the yellow nicotine off walls and especially my Dad’s Oldsmobile that had white interior! I always used Fantastic or any of the other brands that’s basically the same stuff! That yellow crap just rolled off the walls and upholstery! Unfortunately I was never able to get my parents to stop smoking as much as I did try! Both ended up dying of cancer in 1987 at 52 and 50 just one month apart. I’m really glad you both stopped and hope you’ll live long full lives! Best of luck to the both of you!

  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 28, 2018

    my dad used his cigs like incense...1 lit in the kitchen,1 lit in the living room, 1 in the bath. He rented a small apartment you would think the walls were golden yellow painted...until the pictures came down and the white patches showed. Rember to use gloves nicotine can be absorbed by skin contact...nicotine patch style.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 28, 2018

    I use Dollar Tree Awesome Orange (1/2 gal.) in hot water with a car sponge, and wear the rubber kitchen gloves. This removes practically all nicotine, if you get a stubborn spot, use the Awesome Degreaser in the spray bottle.

  • Melanie Czoka Melanie Czoka on Mar 31, 2018

    Id beach it, to be honest. That could alter your paint color, though. Be sure to open all of your windows to air out the house no matter what you use. Also, congrats!