Is cynderblocks or wood better to build a raise garden?

Matt Lewis
by Matt Lewis
We want to have vegetables and herbs Cost is no problem. We also want to have a water system in place to keep it watered.

  7 answers
  • Judy Judy on Apr 05, 2018

    I would use cinder blocks. Wood will rot from moisture and deteriorate from weather. Not only that but, you could paint the cinder blocks to make your garden colorful and attractive. maybe even a mural of flowers.

  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 05, 2018

    There's two schools of thought about raised beds. 1)people worry about what leaches into the soil from the product used to make the bed; 2)aesthetics is very important. So, if you use blocks, it will last a really long time, but if you use cedar logs it will also last. My vote: cedar for both environmental safe and aesthetics. But ultimately it's up to you. Good luck.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Apr 05, 2018

    The cinder blocks would be more permanent while the wood will rot over time. You could add 2" vinyl pipe with drilled holes to act as a reservoir. Fill up with water and the water will slowly seep onto the soil.

  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on Apr 05, 2018

    Cinder Blocks because they don't rot like wood does & they don't get termites. They build storm shelters out of the blocks whereas the wood degrades too quickly over time.

  • Kim Kreitman Kim Kreitman on Apr 05, 2018

    Cinder blocks are more permanent. If you use wood DO NOT use Pressure treated for food plants. I do raised beds without any sides by shoveling the soil from the path onto a 3' bed and tamping the sides at an angle with a rake. If you ever saw the PBS show "Victory Garden" with Roger Swain, it is similar to his method. Have been using this method for thirty years with great success.The advantage is at the end of the growing season you can roto-till the entire area and re-do the beds next year.