Plant markers- what can I use?

by Cle33051278
I need to know what permanent marker is actually permanent for the garden. I want to label my heuchera plants so I will know the name of them in the future.

  8 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 13, 2018

    Hi Clemon4,

    When you shop for markers, look for one that says Permanent on the label. Another way might be to use paint or a wood burner to write on wood markers. Anything that is plastic will probably lose it's lettering over time. In addition, wood can deteriorate so that won't last forever either. I guess it mean means, what do you qualify as permanent? If you mean over the winter, any of the above methods should work. However, all markers will eventually need to be replaced. One thing that might help would to seal each marker with a polycrylic. A sealer will protect the words for longer. Wishing you the best.

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 13, 2018

    Take a photo of your heuchera plants. Note on the photo the proper name. Plant markers go missing in my area...I’ve tried metal ones ,plastic ones...

    ive also graphed out my side yard mouse ear hosta, hosta big blue..around tree. etc. dosent need to be super acurate as far as the spacing goes...but gives you where and what name of the plants.

    • Cle33051278 Cle33051278 on Apr 13, 2018

      Dfm--Thank you! I need to do this for sure and then if my markers don't hold out, I can re-label.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 13, 2018

    That’s tricky as I find that my markers actually crack break and fade too. I suggest making a photographic journal or notebook diary. Notations regarding plants and mulch orders, success and faulures often are valuable to review over the successive years.

  • Liv Liv on Apr 13, 2018

    Use any permanent marker and tape over it.

  • I use a pen from a hardware store that is called "Marks All". It stays on for me.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Apr 13, 2018

    Try reg perm marker and then dip the marker in some outdoor Varathane or Marine varnish.

    • Cle33051278 Cle33051278 on Apr 13, 2018

      Marion, I had thought about this but wasn't sure it would work. Will try it! Thanks!

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 13, 2018

    the only long lasting plant markers are the metal ones with the embossed name of the plant. If you can keep them in the yard. Mine go missing from the metal scrapers In the neighborhood.