What's the best gutter guard for a house with a metal roof?

Terri Shearer
by Terri Shearer
We have lots of huge maple and ash trees around our house, which translates to lots of seed shedding in the spring, and leaves in the fall. Our gutters are constantly plugged during those two seasons, and runoff ends up in our basement! Quite a few gutter guards out there - does anyone have some installed that they really like, that would keep them clean and clear? We do have a metal roof, but not sure if that makes any difference. Thanks!

  4 answers
  • Amy Ogden-Paparone Amy Ogden-Paparone on Apr 18, 2018

    Hi Terri,

    Here's a site that rates the top gutter guards for 2018. We also have tons of trees, and oak trees that are constantly dropping their acorns so we got the micromesh so as to catch everything. Hope this helps. :)


  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 18, 2018

    homeguides.sfgate.com has a great article about choosing leaf guards for metal roofs.

    One of the things they discuss is the size of your gutters. I just had installed 6” gutters and 3” downspout rather than two. I also had them add three more downspouts. Cheap at the price of a constantly flooding basement.

    This Old House discusses sizing and changing the angle of the gutters. Just FYI.

    For very little money you can get downspout extenders, some that just roll out when needed. They’re a blessing

    • Terri Shearer Terri Shearer on Apr 18, 2018

      I'm thinking of putting up some new larger gutters too hoping that will help. We already have downspout extenders installed, but the problem is that when the gutters are plugged full of leaf buds, etc. and we don't remember to clean them out in the spring (in the fall it's usually obvious that they are full of leaves!) they plug up and overflow over the side of the gutter across the front of the house right over a basement window! We've got a window well cover on, and landscaped away from the house, but in heavy rain we still get it in the house. Will check out This Old House information - thanks!

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 18, 2018

    This is tacky. In the interim of a larger gutter and More downspouts, would it be tacky , well yeah, but securing cheap tarps close to the foundation, making an obvious“”downhill” and covering them with mulch or whatever to hide, butto insure the water does go downhill rather than your basement? You could cut holes around the plantings but protect

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 18, 2018

    The foundation