Pavers or diy concrete?

We have a big area of yard where we want to extend our patio and include a firepit. We have weed issues and I am concerned of this area being a constant battle. Is there a way to make pavers more weed resistant or should we do concrete?
What is the minimum space between poured concrete or pavers?
Any help would be appreciated.

  3 answers
  • Ken Ken on May 23, 2018

    There is no minimum spacing between concrete or pavers. Large expanses of concrete sometimes use expansion strips, but no space.

    Weeds are everywhere and they require maintenance to keep them at bey. It is a constant battle and that is just life. No different in my yard. Only reason to use pavers is that you cannot afford concrete. Read this carefully: Weeds WILL come up everywhere they have a chance. It's what they do. They will make no exception for you.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 23, 2018

    Maybe this will help you make up your mind. This compares and give the pros and cons of each material.

  • Slw21358627 Slw21358627 on May 24, 2018

    You can put down gardeners black plastic and/or pour a thick layer of sand before putting in your pavers. You may still need to watch for stubborn weeds, but hit them with Round Up or something similar as soon as they come up. Some people have success with just spraying weeds with Vinegar -- haven't tried it myself but might be worth a try.