How can I get rid of wasps?

Dena Roberts
by Dena Roberts
Recently moved to an apartment with a really nice balcony overlooking a pool. Right below us are the recycling bins. We can't sit out on the balcony because of the yellow jackets! Management has searched for a nest but can't find one. How can I keep the wasps off my balcony so we can enjoy our short summer here in Winnipeg, Canada? We're on the third floor and the darned things won't leave us alone! Thank you.

  6 answers
  • Charly Charly on May 23, 2018

    You might try hanging mothballs wrapped inside of cheesecloth or tulle. Hang these little "sachet" bags from the railing. We used this method to keep wasps away from the windows and it worked.

  • Ken Ken on May 23, 2018

    This site has a couple of things you could try. Ignore the advice on dealing with the nest since we know that you cannot find it.

  • Margaret Margaret on May 23, 2018

    Have you tried a wasp trap? You bait it with fruit or meat (soft cat food or a cotton ball saturated with the oil from a can of tuna). Hang it over the balcony. Place the trap in your freezer each night to kill them quickly. Dump the wasps out in the morning and hang out again. Replenish bait as needed.

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on May 23, 2018

    Remember the old aresol hair spray, the kind that if a tornado comes it wouldn't move a hair. Keep a can on your deck, if they get near you spray them, it freezes their wings, same with flys. You can also spray the nest.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 24, 2018

    My friend has had terrible problems with them. She heard somewhere to fill a paper bag with plastic bags or wadded newspaper (something light) and tie the top shut and hang it under an eave or under the porch cover. She did on the front and back of the house. She no longer has problems ! The wasps think another colony lives there and leaves. The paper bag fools them.