Asked on Jun 02, 2018

Glitter on tumbler won't smooth out.

by Che25445595
I spray painted a metal tumbler with a greenish color on the bottom half and a lighter color on top. after it dried I used mod podge to make what is supposed to look like drips coming down the light part. Then i sprinkled fine white glitter on it. It looked really good. After a day when it had dried I put epoxy on it to seal it and make it smooth and shiny. My problem is that I can't get the glitter to be smooth. Does anyone have an answer?

  5 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 02, 2018

    More layers of epoxy..........

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Jun 02, 2018

    Personally I like some “grab” on a glass so it won’t slip out of my hand.

  • More epoxy. Layer it on there

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 02, 2018

    Your choice is to sand the glitter parts off, along with a good part of the lighter color. The ModPodge created a thin 3D effect, and glitter has extremely thin but sharp edges, so that’s more 3D. I bought dust-fine glitter from Grand River Art Company. You can dust with tiny pinches at a time, on top of wet paint. Then seal your mug and the glitter should sink into the sealer, too.

    On the other hand, the mug, as you correctly decorated it, is supposed to look like real drips, which are not smooth, especially with glitter. Well-sealed on the outside, the mugs can be used as a candy dish, a small planter, or a holder for a pkg. of coffee or tea, sweetener, and creamer. They are not for everyday use as mugs, and should be gently washed or wiped out. You have a good thing. I wish you would do a Post on Hometalk teaching us how to do these mugs. Thank you, ☺️

    • Che25445595 Che25445595 on Jun 02, 2018

      These are the metal insulated sport tumblers... I found them in the sporting goods section of walmart. The ones I've seen are washable but not dishwasher safe. I've seen demo's on how to make them online but I can't find them now. I'm really a beginner at this! i think I will do some more epoxy and if that doesn't help I'll start over with another one. Thanks for your suggestions.

  • Jennifer Douglass Jennifer Douglass on Mar 03, 2020

    I can’t get my epoxy to stay on the bottom lip of my cup what can I do