What should I use for webs that are in my Asian jasmine?

by Deborah
  3 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 13, 2018

    that is spider mites ,if the plant is in a pot re-pot in fresh soil and spray with horticultral oil, if in the ground make sure you spray the entire plant covering all the leaves and soil with the oil

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jun 13, 2018

    Wipe them away as soon as you see them and place a walnut on the soil n the planter. I made the mistake of spraying a spiderweb on my beautiful vining plant and killed everything.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 13, 2018

    The budworm is a small white moth whose larva feed off of the buds of the jasmine plant, effectively destroying the flowers. The gallery worm tunnels in and around the buds and builds silk lined caves. Leaf rollers do just what it sounds like they do, while leaf webworms cover both foliage and twigs in silk webs.

    A soapy solution of water and dish soap can clog up most pests’ breathing areas and kill a large amount of the population. Resort to target pesticides if you can identify the insect to prevent killing beneficial plants.