What keeps rabbits out of the garden?

by John
  4 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Jun 17, 2018

    a dog. You can try fences, but rabbits dig under them, rabbits can jump about 3 ft high.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 17, 2018

    I use cayenne pepper powder and shredded Irish Spring soap and have good luck with that. We also have three dogs that chase them out of the yard in nothing flat and hot on its heels the whole way. I had to increase the fence around the veggie garden because two of them could flat foot the four foot high fence I made. Went with eight foot and no more stomped veggies.

  • Mary Boyce Brown Mary Boyce Brown on Jun 17, 2018

    urine pee around garden at nite no one watching please or collect it we do the latter

  • 1401470 1401470 on Jun 18, 2018

    Fences work or you can try a fun project I made a few years back called the covered raised bed. I implemented this to keep the chickens out of my fall garden and the results were awesome.
