Painting wall edge by popcorn ceiling

by Sally

I’m going to paint walls end have a popcorn ceiling. Does anyone have a suggestion for cutting a straight edge on wall and avoid getting paint on the popcorn ceiling

  7 answers
  • Bonnie Bonnie on Jun 29, 2018

    A steady hand, a good quality angle brush, and patience. Most people try to use all the bristles in their brush to cut isn't necessary. A light first coat, mainly to get the cut line on, followed by another moderate coat (the second coat will go on much faster than the first) will do the job.

    I have seen where popcorn is scraped off along the edge to provide a straighter line...just don't take off more than 1/2 inch or it will look bad.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jun 29, 2018

    Sally...If you have a straight edge long scraper you can hold it at ceiling and paint without getting paint on ceiling. I cheated and decided to paint up to ceiling leaving enough space so I didn't touch ceiling. Then purchased some really pretty wallpaper border, matching room nicely so that made it easy! You may not wish to add this expense or time so hopefully the scraper will work. Good luck!

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 29, 2018

    I take some white silicon caulk and run a bead into the 90 degree edge where the wall meets the ceiling, then run your wet finger over it lightly. When dry paint away.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jun 29, 2018

    Home centers sell long (2') straight edges with plastic handle, metal blade for this purpose.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jun 29, 2018

    If you take an object which a reasonably sharp edge you can run along the ceiling/wall edge and it will clear a path for you to paint evenly. Do not go too deep as to cut the paper. You are just trying to loosen the popcorn and make a straight edge.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 29, 2018

    There are commercial "straight edges" available in the paint department... just be careful to "jam" it firmly up into the corner, to not extend the paint past the ends, and wipe it off well, before putting it against the ceiling again.... an pain in the ass... I know... but patience will make the difference

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 29, 2018

    I usually use something like a scraper, plastic that is a little sturdy to pressure or one time I used a scrape of aluminum I found in the garage. Worked really well and as long as it is a smooth surface, easy to wipe off excess paint once in a while.