Oil spill cleanup - How can I get oil off of brick?

How can I get oil off of brick? My friend spilled some oil from a hand tool onto my porch red brick. Thanks.

  9 answers
  • Michael Soule Michael Soule on Jul 03, 2018

    I have good luck with kitty litter, use plain not scented. It takes a lot of rubbing, there will be some gray powder left on the bricks after you do that. Just rinse it off with water and maybe a little scrubbing.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 03, 2018

    I would try two things, either a cleaner degreaser called Purple Power or just regular dawn detergent and baking soda rubbed in with a broom and then either hosed off or power washed off.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 03, 2018

    I know the dawn worked on my driveway.

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Jul 03, 2018

    If the other suggestions don't work, try DuPont StoneTech. I had bacon grease that seeped into my granite countertops. Nothing would get it out until I used this. It wicks the oil up into the paste. It is also recommended for masonry. https://express.google.com/u/0/product/15338499730286465192_3980365564162994711_118724597?mall=WashingtonDC&directCheckout=1&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=product_ads&utm_campaign=gsx&utm_content=control_60_90

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Jul 03, 2018

    The link I gave you for the DuPont Stone Tech is for a large container. You can get a much smaller can for much, much less.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 03, 2018

    Hello Patricia.

    We have a newer concrete driveway that sometimes gets abused by contractors or service personnel. We try to observe and remove these oil stains ASAP. We use TSP for large areas or areas not treated immediately or this Easy off spray for stains we catch right away. Scrub with a stiff plastic kitchen type brush and rinse with water. Both solutions are very sucessful for our situation, I think they would work for yours. Remember to wear personal protection as labels might direct.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 03, 2018

    Blot up wgat you can, with kitty litter or granules used for oil spills. Dawn dishwashing detergent as noted above, small amount of water, use scrub brush. Leave 30 min. and rinse.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 03, 2018

    Try spray nine and scrub, then kitty litter

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Jul 03, 2018

    Por some Dawn on straight, and scrub with a scrub brush, let sit an hour, then rinse. Also try sudsy ammonia. If nothing works, try lightly sanding. I had to do that with some paint dropped on my brick steps.