How to fix a crooked Lucifer plant.

Paula Lambert
by Paula Lambert

Lucifer plant will not straighten up. Was straight when planted. No wind to speak of. In full sun. Just planted this summer. Otherwise a very healthy plant. Should I try to replant (in the fall)?

  7 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 09, 2018

    I would put a piece of fishing line around the plants and gently pull it upright and tie off on a small twig driven into the ground.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jul 09, 2018

    Paula...why don't you stick a small trellis in the ground and try to tie it up a can also use metal stakes that has a half circle at top and you loop flower stems through them. This is just an idea and might help. I have seen these items at a nursery. Good luck!

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 09, 2018

    Crocrosima leans. Install stakes if it leans too much for you, but the flowers always appear to curve, like a hummingbird's flight path.

  • Wendy Spakowski Wendy Spakowski on Jul 09, 2018

    Maybe just use a bamboo stake and twist ties and stake it like a tomato. The stakes come in dark green. If you use some care it should look good. The stake should go into the flower head but not above it The plant is probably leaning toward the light.

  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 09, 2018

    I agree with securing the plant to a stake. Use pipe cleaners or sections of old pantyhose to tie it with. String or wire will cut thru the stalk. Your plant is leaning because it is following the sun. I'm wishing you well.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jul 09, 2018

    I think most plants lean a little when they get taller. If it bothers you, you could put a tomato cage around it.

  • Mary Mary on Aug 05, 2018

    Honestly? It's perfectly beautiful as it is.

    I think we expect perfection when nature's wonderful sense of humor might be at play. Ever think it's tired? Perhaps drawn to a plant in that direction?