What are ways to get rid of crows that are eating fruit from trees?

by Britt
  2 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 10, 2018

    Scare them off fire works, gun blast something loud then put netting over the trees.

    • J J on Jul 10, 2018

      You should check your towns laws about about gun shots. It might be illegal and dangerous. Hang metal pie pans and old cd’ s in and around the trees, the movement and light reflections are a good trick.

  • Vicki Bushert Vicki Bushert on Jul 10, 2018

    depending on how big the trees are you can use a special netting called bird netting it keeps the birds from getting on the branches then to the fruit. mybtrees too big for this so I take ribbon that is holographic foil type and ties them to the trees. when the ribbon moves in the wind it scares the birds away.

    You could also also put a bird feeder and bird bath of water. in a different part of the yard. Giving them easier access to food and water helps to keep them away from plants you don't want them into