How to modernize a cast stone fireplace surround?

by Suzanne

I have a cast stone fireplace surround that I hate!

I would like it to look more like the following.

I have someone who can paint it a glossy black, but I would also like a sleeker appearance as in the last picture. Is there anything that can be done without completely ripping out the entire surround?

  6 answers
  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Jul 11, 2018

    How about stencils. They are all the rage right now. Search for ideas on pinterest

  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on Jul 11, 2018

    After painting it, you might be able to add a glossy polyurethane finish to it that will give it that glassy look and detract even more from the stone look.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jul 11, 2018

    First of all, I think your wish picture is a matte finish, not glossy. Glossy will show every indentation on the surround. You can try to fill the grooves and kind of round out the decorative parts. I don't know what you could fill it with, you'll have to contact a stone company. I'm sure they'll have something for you to use.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jul 11, 2018

    Suzanne, please let me know a little bit more about this project that you don't like so I can help you. Is it the color? Does it clash with your decor? Is it functional? I want to help, but I need a little more to go on..... a photo of the rest of the room would be so helpful!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 11, 2018

    Oiy, Yoiy, another corner fireplace! If builders only knew what headaches these caused homeowners due to difficulty in arranging furniture and TV's!

    One simple question: How often do you ever use the fireplace?

    I agree that it is less than attractive. The source of the problem begins with it being squished into the corner. It looks cramped, not to scale, and the angles are conflicting with the angles of the corner. The finish looks cold, dated, and unlike real stone. The fireplace mantle is too small for the size of the TV, and the two are competing with each other for the focal point.

    I really do not feel that spending money and time are going to somehow 'transform' it into another style fireplace. It most likely is going to still look like your old hated corner fireplace that you tried to disguise.

    If the main function of it now is to hold up the TV, I would recommend to take it out. Sell it on Craigslist or Kijiji and use the money towards a flat (not corner) fireplace that you may have your heart set on. Or go without a fireplace, if that suits your lifestyle, take back your corner, and have some fun arranging furniture.

  • Faux Effects International have some wonderful product you can easily transform this with One is called Luster Stone (many stock colors) Take a look at "Moonstone Gray"