Why aren't my rose bushes blooming

by Bob28883343
  2 answers
  • Mel Mel on Jul 14, 2018

    Prune around Mother’s Day every year. We live in NW, so gardeners say about May 1 is last day to heavy prune for that year. I do it in March as the freeze is gone. Watch for rose blight and fungus on leaves.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 14, 2018

    If you're further East, we prune late Winter. Some people apply anti-dessicant to plant, before Winter. Cut out dead branches, remove all leaf litter from ground. Apply Bayer Rose and Flower food granules as directed, for size of rose bush. Put minced banana peel in ground for added phosphorus. Spray, as needed. Roses are heavy feeders and require watering from below (not overhead watering), in sufficient quantity. Mulch to prevent weeds competing with rose.