How do I get rid of water mold on peas, can my peas be saved?

by Michelle

How do you get rid of water mold on my peas? We had a lot of rain and suddenly the weather changed to really high temperatures and scorching sun. I see today half my peas have a white film and so do the leaves.

  3 answers
  • Donna Donna on Jul 23, 2018

    I know of a couple, one is about a tsp peroxide to 2 cups of water and put in sprayer, other is baking soda spray, both work on fungus

    • Michelle Michelle on Jul 24, 2018

      thank you how much baking soda in how much water? Do I spray down everything peas, leaves and stalks? I am so upset. Despite a massive surgery in may I planted my garden anyhow and this just makes me want to cry. Thank you so much

  • Michelle Michelle on Jul 24, 2018

    also could you tell me why this happens, getting this fungus mold? Again thank you for your help

  • Carrie Carrie on Jul 25, 2018

    Water from the bottom, never over the top.

    Not sure what state you are in but in Oregon we are scorching, as well as the garden. My peas taking a hard hit.

    What has worked for me is water at dusk or early before heat of the day. I give them morning sun until 12-1 and then block that extreme heat with cheap white table cloth. I dont lay it right on top as they need air to circulate. I did 4 corner stakes and laid it over top.