How do you pickle with old brine?

by Michelle

I read some where on Pinterest that you can save the brine that comes from store bought pickles and reuse it to pickle your own. Could someone explain to me how to do this?

  2 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jul 29, 2018

    Been doing it all my life. Buy a gallon jar of sliced or spear sour pickles. Use all of the pickles or transfer them to other containers. Peel and/or cut up fresh cucumbers, watermelon slices, yellow squash, or other firm veggies. Shake up the brine, plus 1/2 cup salt. Add veggies until the far is full. These cucumbers need to stay in the refrigerator, tightly sealed. For a different take, add 1/2 cup of salt and one cup of sugar. Shake the jar one a week, and add more sugar if you want to for sweet pickles without recoiling the brine. Best wishes, Mic! 😇

  • Sue Sue on Jul 29, 2018

    I reuse my pickle brine to make pickled eggs. I just reboil the liquid on the stove and put back into the cleaned jar. Throw some hard boiled eggs in, seal it up and put it into the fridge after it cools down a bit.