How can we get rid of brown spots on grass? How to kill weeds.

Also there was a participant who made a solution to make your grass green and healthy. Not store bought.

  3 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 09, 2018

    Sometimes putting epsom salts on the lawn can help it. We do this on occasion on brown spots.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Aug 10, 2018

    Pour a glass of beer on the brown spots. It works like a charm. Beer has lots of fermented sugars and nutrients inside it and the dead patch will absorb them and feed the soil underneath. So the beer acts as a fertilizer and if the brown spots are cause by pets it will neutralize the nitrogen in their urine.

  • MEG MEG on Aug 15, 2018

    I use plain household sugar and Epsom salt to fertilize my lawn and it wonders. Cheaper to buy and no harsh chemicals to deal with. Try it.