Is it okay to recycle? My kids and friends and family laugh at me...

Penny DiLoreto
by Penny DiLoreto

I go to yard sale and there is a lot of reefs and other crafts and I bring them home and caring apart and I reuse them my kids and friends and family laugh at me but I'm reusing them is that okay am I just cheap and crazy but I like the recycle

  8 answers
  • Jill Hilbert Jill Hilbert on Aug 14, 2018

    It’s fine to recycle, it’s better to use what you have around your home or found for less money than to have to pay full price at department stores!

  • Linda Linda on Aug 14, 2018

    Recycling is a honorable and great! When my girls were little I used to purchase toys at garage sales and clean them and give them as gifts at Christmas.

  • Jokarva Jokarva on Aug 15, 2018

    Nearly every one of my projects are from recycled stuff, it's the only sensible way as far as I'm concerned. Tell your kids and friends that you're doing your part to save the earth for them, and ask what they're doing!

  • I'm so sorry that they laugh at you. Recycling comes in so many forms and all are wonderful. I repaint furniture and sell it.

    Start selling your crafts and they'll stop laughing.

    Keep doing what you're doing!

  • Maura White Maura White on Aug 21, 2018

    If you are crazy, then so are the rest of us so join the club!! LOL!! I think one of the best parts of yard sale shopping is finding items you can reuse or recycle in different ways! Go be creative!!

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Sep 22, 2018

    I do it all the time over at the Homeroad blog. Stop by and see what I make recycling and repurposing items!!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 23, 2018

    Any hobby or past-time that it a pleasure for you to spend your time and money or on is worthwhile., as long as your or your families health or basic living needs are not compromized.

  • Sally Sally on Sep 23, 2018

    It’s actually “upcycling” when you reuse’s great bc you’re doing your small part to reduce waste in the landfills. Also great bc the older wreath making stuff can often be of better quality. If you’ve been to Hobby Lobby or Michael’s lately, you know the really nice silk flowers are outrageously expensive!