How do you get mascara out of pillowcase?

by Mar7469291

How do you remove mascara from pillowcase? I have not washed it yet. Presoak and/or with what?

  3 answers
  • Dee Dee on Aug 16, 2018

    Try presoaking in dawn dish detergent or OxyClean. If that does not work try peroxide.

  • Cindy Cindy on Aug 16, 2018

    Put a few squirts of dish soap directly on the mascara stain. Rub the dish soap into the stain and scrub under warm water. This should get most of the stain out. To make sure the stain is completely gone, throw the pillow case into the washing machine and wash as usual. Best of luck to you.

  • Wxw Wxw on Aug 16, 2018

    Birds of a Feather . . . I removed my mascara smudge with Dawn and a sprinkle of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. Rub together and allow to sit for at least 15-20 minutes, actually, mine sat longer bc I got busy. Only put into dryer if you are sure stain is removed. The heat of the dryer (or heat of an iron) will set stains. I, too, have used peroxide, but am careful of the color/fabrication as a shot of peroxide may discolor your item. Good luck.