How do I resurface my 10X20 pea gravel patio?

by Twanna

  4 answers
  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Aug 20, 2018

    There is a product called EkoFlo which is a stabilizer for pea gravel patios and walkways. It is a stabilizer which is a resin which is safe for pets and plants and the environment. The gravel has to be clean and dust free to apply. You can buy it online at Home Depot. I found it while researching for a walkway we are planning. I watched videos on installation and it looks relatively easy, but our walkway is still in the planning stages so we haven't yet used it. The reviews are very good and it would be something to look at for your patio. Hope this helps.

  • What needs "resurfacing?" Did you lay down landscape fabric before adding gravel? Does it need a refresh of more pea gravel? Or do you want to get rid of the pea gravel and want something else?

  • Twanna Twanna on Aug 20, 2018

    May I should have specified that it is concrete pea gravel. It is cracked and and not level in many areas

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Aug 21, 2018

    There is a solution to what is causing the cracking and sinking/level problems you are having with your patio. There are companies which drill a few holes in your concrete and inject a foam/resin mixture which will fill the voids under the concrete which are causing the problem. It will bring the level back up to where it is supposed to be. One company is called Lifttech. The reviews say it is much less expensive than replacement of existing patio.