Clean dog urine?

by Carol
  3 answers
  • on Sep 19, 2018

    Vinegar and water mixed 50/50 and either poured or sprayed onto the stain is a good start. This will kill the odor and reduce the chances the dog urinates in the same spot again. Blot with paper towel to soak up as much as possible and use a shop vac or some other wet-vac system to get as much liquid up as possible. Repeat if the stain is especially deep.

    If staining persists in the material, you can try a very mild soap mixture and lots of scrubbing. Test in an out of the way area to make sure it doesn't discolor the material you're cleaning. Good luck.

  • Chris Gignac Chris Gignac on Sep 19, 2018

    Natures miracle, you need in enzymatic urine eater to solve urine problems.

  • Patti Nicholas Patti Nicholas on Sep 19, 2018

    The difficulty with cleaning ANY type of urine is that the uric acid crystals that form are not water soluble so while vinegar and water or even soap and water will clean up the initial mess you must use a natural enzyme based cleaner like one of these

    you also must be sure to use an equal amount of enzymes to the amount of urine so don’t be stingy. This will remove everything including the scent that dogs can smell but we can’t which helps prevent a reoccurring issue.