How do I repot an orchid?

How do you repot an orchid, Healthy leaves but no flowers.

  3 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 16, 2018

    Choose a new pot that’s an inch or two larger than the one before. Specialized orchid planters have holes all around the surface to increase the air circulation in the roots, but you can use a traditional terra cotta pot as well.

    Put your orchid potting mix into a large bowl and cover it with boiling water. Allow the water to cool to room temperature, then drain the potting mix. One of the most important things to learn about how to repot an orchid is that they are very sensitive when it comes to bacteria and germs.

    Make a solution of ½ cup of household bleach and 1 gallon of water. Soak the planter in this, as well as any tools you use. Wash your hands before you proceed. Gently pull the pot away from the plant and wash off the roots.

    Use sharp scissors to cut off any brown or rotting roots. Fill the new planter with the soaked potting medium and place the plant so that the base is right at the top of the medium. Use a chopstick to help push bits of planting medium in between the roots.

    Keep the orchid misted for at least a week until the new roots begin to appear.

  • Orchids also only bloom on certain schedules... I've only had one re-bloom and it was about a year after it bloomed the first time and it was in a very sunny window.