How do I clean my oven?

  2 answers
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Nov 19, 2018

    You might think that something as tough as baked on food would either need to be burned off by heat (self-cleaning method) or by chemicals, but you’d be wrong. There are several ways to clean a dirty oven using non-toxic (and incredibly inexpensive) ingredients. In fact, most kitchen appliances can be cleaned using homemade cleaners you can easily make in a matter of seconds with products you probably already have in your pantry. Baking soda is a very effective cleaner; it’s abrasive enough to remove caked on debris but won’t scratch surfaces. It also helps remove odors. Vinegar, or lemon juice, easily cuts through grease and removes germs. Some recipes call for Castile soap, which is a vegetable based soap, and you can decide whether or not to add this ingredient to the following recipes.

    For best results, wipe off as much baked on food prior to either method and make sure the oven is completely cool.

    Non-toxic cleaning method #1

    • Generously sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the oven
    • Using a spray bottle, wet the baking soda with vinegar (you don’t want a puddle of vinegar). Note that the reaction of the vinegar and baking soda will cause bubbling.
    • Let sit for about 4 hours or overnight
    • Wipe away vinegar and baking soda with a textured sponge.
    • If any residue is left, simply use clean water to wipe clean

    Non-toxic cleaning method #2

    • In a mixing bowl combine about 1 cup of baking soda with enough water to make a paste
    • Generously coat inside of oven with paste
    • Let sit overnight
    • Remove with a damp sponge and repeat wiping until clean