How can I remove a glue trap from the hem of my gown?

Sandy Reed
by Sandy Reed

A mouse glue trap got stuck to the hem of my gown. How can I remove it and the residue without damaging my gown

  6 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 05, 2018

    Hi Sandy,

    Brute force and a stick to Prize it open and Suitable Stain remover to deal with residue.

  • Diane Coverdale Diane Coverdale on Dec 05, 2018

    Rubbing alcohol. Check first using a dampened Q-tip and the alcohol that the material is colour run resistant. Next, drip or blot some alcohol dipped on some paper towel from the back side of the material. Gently ease off the trap. See if you can gently scrape off the glue residue from the front of the hem. Use more alcohol to get rid of the rest.

    Good luck!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Dec 05, 2018

    Goo Gone will work on the trap, one corner at a time. This will also remove the residue from your gown. I would use Woolite to wash your gown afterward. If nothing else works, carefully cut off the hem and rehem your gown. Best wishes, ☺️

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 05, 2018

    Hi Sandy,

    Oh, these glue traps are so strong! Brut force might damage your material but it is effective on things that you don't care about. I have had this happen too often and had mixed results, it did come off the bottom of a sneaker with no problem, but when I got it on a plastic bag with items destined for the good will, I had to remove the items to another bag and just folded over the trap onto itself so it would not stick to anything else. I did try tp pull it off, but no luck, it won!

    I would have to go with Denyse on this 1. Best to you. Hope by some degree of luck it was an unnoticeable part of your gown.