How do I get rid of gnats and dragonflies?

by CCbake

Sprays work poorly.

  4 answers
  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Dec 07, 2018

    I wrote an article on this that might help you -

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Dec 07, 2018

    I keep a dish of apple cider vinegar with a couple drops of dishsoap near the sink. They are drawn to the dish and get stuck and drown. There is also a product called Aunt Fannies Flu Punch that you just open the lid and leave it near the sink and then close it and throw away. It works really well. But if you have a bad infestation you might need to call an exterminator. An infestation can be incredibly difficult to get rid of because they are so small and can hide from treatments

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Dec 07, 2018

    Pour pure vinegar down any drains you can, then put new strainers in each end. Clean your counters and floors with water, your favorite cleaner, and vinegar. I like PineSol. Rinse and dry the surfaces. Wash the doors and frames, and even walls, seeking nooks and crevices where the gnats might be laying eggs. If you have screens, wash them. An attached garage or porch? Wash as much as you can. Individual gnats and drainflies don’t live long, but they lay eggs everywhere they can. Cleaning with vinegar is your best but not only defense. But you can beat them. Best wishes. ☺️

  • CCbake CCbake on Dec 07, 2018

    I thank both of you for the info. I have tried the vinegar mixes and was successful to some extent but have not been able to totally rid my home of these pest. They have laid eggs somewhere. Just haven’t been able to pin down the area. I’ll try both of these remedies and let you know the outcome. Thank you very much for the suggestions