How do I grow pot plants that require little water?

by Bama

“Plants Requiring Little Water”How can I have plants in pots outside that need very little water as we are away for weeks at a time?

  5 answers
  • How about installing a drip system on a timer? Not that hard to set up.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Dec 08, 2018

    Bama, here are some videos that give you the information for watering while you're away and also names of plants that do well with little water.

  • I definitely think succulents or other kinds of cactus would be ideal.

  • Lizbeth Lizbeth on Dec 09, 2018

    I agree cacti and succulents are the way to go. But even succulents (like Jade plants, hens and chicks, etc.) that are potted MAY be a bit stressed by lack of water for weeks at a time depending on the temperature, rainfall (assuming the pots are positioned to be able to catch rain) and how many weeks are involved. There's going to be a big difference between 2 weeks between waterings and 3 or more weeks without water. Both cacti and succulents tend to need a lot of sun. When *potted* plants are put in a sunny outdoor location they tend to dry out pretty fast. One thing that will help a little is to avoid using unglazed clay pots. Although porous clay pots are normally great for cacti/succulents (because people tend to overwater most potted plants) if watering times need to be stretched out, you don't want moisture to be lost through the walls of the pot. Using lighter colored pots may help the soil from heating up too.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 09, 2018

    Use wicking system when you are gone