How can I sponge paint my wall or door?

by LilMama
  4 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Dec 09, 2018

    LilMama....Get your wall ready by cleaning well, cobwebs, dust, etc. and paint or not. Take your sponge and use a brush and paint it lightly. Then dab the sponge on the wall or if you want to check yourself, use a piece of cardboard to practice. One you have the look you want with the correct thickness of paint get to the wall! Good luck.

  • Judith Judith on Dec 09, 2018

    I marbleized my bathroom wall. I took a shade darker than the paint on wall.....added water....loosely dipped a clean rag in the mixture and randomly washed the rag down the wall. When dried I looked at my example marble tile.....took a feather and made upwards thin lines to mimic the veins in the marble. I also did this with black and white paint. People go up to touch the wall as they

    think it's great seams. Looks fab. Will do it again in my new place.

  • LilMama LilMama on Dec 09, 2018

    Thanks I will try that advice on my wall as well👍

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Dec 09, 2018

    Well Lilmama, Sponge paint is usually done to apply a Texturing Effect without the need for Texture Additives in the Paint.

    Paint is applied by Sponge.

    To see if you like it, you are best to try it on a Small Piece of Plyboard.

    The best effect is not acheived by 1 color paint, but instead: at least two but up to 20.

    The nice part of the Multihue is that You only buy Two colors of Paint: Your Color and White; And your Darkest Color blends into the white to make mutiple hues of the Primary color and that variety allows you to create many textures by Sponge.

    But, Of course you can do this plenty of ways usually reliant on the Purpose:

    Dark with Light Textures (Semi-Industrial, Sweatshops)

    Light with Dark Textures (Most frequent in homes and Gyms)

    Light with Composite Colors (Semi-Formal, as a Catering Building: Yellow+Red+Orange)

    Composites with the Blending Color as the Texture (Commercial, Restaurants)

    I hope this helps.