How do I get rid of the kerosene smell in the house?

Marios Ioannou
by Marios Ioannou

Hello all,I had recently a leakage at my house where 200 Ltr of kerosene were absorbed from the roof to the bedrooms ceilings as a result one of the flooded and the staircases walls leaking. With the passing of time leakage stopped but the smell still remains.Also the weather do not help at all as its winter time and cannot leave the windows and doors open. Does anyone know how to get rid of the smell from the house? Many thanks!

  4 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Dec 12, 2018

    Lay newspaper down

    Place charcoal on the newspaper (the kind without lighter fluid)

    I have purchased these but you would probably need quite a few.

  • Marios Ioannou Marios Ioannou on Dec 12, 2018

    Hello Kathy,

    Thanks for your reply!

    The charcoal will absorb the smell from the wall?

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Dec 12, 2018

    Hi this is Peggy. Sorry you are dealing with kerosene smell in the house.. Please be safe and remember safety first. Take care and Merry Christmas.


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    Fuel oil fumes are volatile and flammable. Avoid sparks, flames, and smoking. Contact local fire department. They are interested in your safety and protecting the environment.

    Ventilate to exhaust fumes from home. Crack a window and set fan to exhaust fumes. Seal gaps between adjoining walls. Seal around baseboards, electrical outlets and switches, around pipes and wires that enter the structure, including under kitchen and bathroom sinks, and around any ducts in the wall void. Carpets, upholstery, draperies, etc. will absorb fumes, and it will be difficult to remove odors.

    Avoid breathing fumes. The very young, the elderly or infirm, pregnant women, and those with allergies and respiratory problems should definitely not be exposed to fumes. Headache, nausea, dizziness, and euphoria are common symptoms.

    Oil spills in the tank area can saturate and contaminate soil. Odors can enter through windows and doors. If oil contaminates foundation, odors can enter through foundation. If oil has entered sewer system, odors can enter through toilets and drains.

    If odors persist, contact the local health department. In some areas, the health department will call in the appropriate agencies like EPA or others to test soil and air quality. They will test the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).