How can you stencil on a textured wall?

Kathy Baker
by Kathy Baker

  3 answers
  • Ashley Contreras Ashley Contreras on Dec 17, 2018

    Yes! If your wall is a dark color, trace it on a computer paper & then on the back of it use chalk and go over the area you want to trace. Once finished with that, placed the chalk side on the wall & trace over it wil pen or pencil.

    If it’s a white wall or lightly colored, use a sharp pencil. :)

    hope that helps!

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Dec 17, 2018

    use a very stiff stencil brush... will get into the 'texture' without the risk of running like a sponge would ... touch up if needed with a small fine point paint brush and just dab ... don't 'brush' it ... a tapping motion ....

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Dec 17, 2018

    Kathy: I have stenciled on a textured wall and I love it! I went for a look that did not completely cover an area. I liked the look of working WITH the texture -- and not trying to cover it perfectly. Here's what I did in my bathroom: