Is there a perennial I could plant that would choke out weeds?

I have a piece of property that I would like to see the weeds cooked out of. It is close to a drainage waterway so I cannot use chemicals. There is crab grass, Canadian thistles, pig weed among other weeds. I tried growing wild flowers last year but the weeds took that over as well. Would growing pumpkins there survive? The photo shows the section to the right of the drainage system. As you can see, there is a bit of a ridge that is covered in these same weeds that I would also like to include in weed removal. Any suggestions would be so appreciated!!! Thank you in advance 😊

  7 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jan 10, 2019

    I'm not aware of any. It seems the weeds always win. Maybe English ivy?

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Jan 10, 2019

    Hi Christine, it really depends on where you live and your zone. I would find a local green house to call and ask their opinion. They will be able to tell you the exact native plants you could seed there and how to make them prosper that they'll choke out the weeds.

  • Rob Rob on Jan 10, 2019

    Hi Christine, if you live way up north, in zones 1, 2 or 3, talk with your local nursery if you haven't already.

    However, if you live in zones 4 and south, consider the perennial grasses, they are very hardy and weeds don't invade them. You have a perfect area to plant grasses high (back) to low (front). Plant a lot of little grasses; they'll get large and multiply. You might have a few weeds invade but I'd bet not much. The maiden grass is very tall. I have solid green with maroon/rust colored plumes. Then Little Bluestem in front of that and in immediate front, Blue Oat Grass. The link with info on the grasses. Good Luck! Rob

    • Christine Loranger Christine Loranger on Jan 10, 2019

      Thank you, I will look into that. I did a search on my zone area and apparently we fall under zones 3, 4 and 5, thank you global warming, lol. We are on the interior of British Columbia. I will definitely check with the local greenhouses when they are up and running, was just hoping to get a head start before the little buggers sprout. Pulling them is just futile. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

  • Mary Lynn Sharpe Mary Lynn Sharpe on Jan 10, 2019

    In addition to checking out local greenhouses, see if there's any conservation-type organization in your area that could help. I live in Utah, the second driest state in the U.S. We have a local non-profit organization called Localscapes that helps people design landscapes with water conservation in mind. Is there a cooperative extension at a local university? Good luck!

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 11, 2019

    Maybe drought resistant ground cover. We did a sedum (sp?) on a large, dry, sandy, steep slope in Toronto. Needs help at first to keep weeds out, but once established, takes over, grows dense, and spreads.

  • Dixie Lee Dixie Lee on Jan 11, 2019

    Contact the local Master Gardeners through your county extension office. Master Gardeners can identify any plant...they are amazing! They will, without charge, come to your property and give you an assessment of your situation.

    Planting one plant to control others often leads to nightmares. Kudzu has eaten the South. It was brought from Asia to control erosion...and you can literally watch it grow, up to 10 feet of growth in one day.

    Get a goat or three and let them have at it! They will have that place cleared in no time. After they've dined, bring in a bobcat knock to down vegetation and disrupt the earth to access roots for removal. Okay, if you can't get hold of a goat, just use the bobcat and rip that stuff out.

  • Rob Rob on Jan 11, 2019

    I suggest renting the Goats! There are those that do rent out herds or the # needed. Otherwise, they'll eat the good