How do I do a simple landscape design for my front and backyard?

Edith Fernandez
by Edith Fernandez

how to landscape my front and backyard with just using cement and with white and gray stones for designs . Please give me simple design ideas. Thank you.

  2 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jan 11, 2019

    Hi Edith. I'm Cindy. When making flower beds, tallest plants should go in back. Then work your way to the front using shorter and shorter plants as you go. Also, keep colors in groupings rather than one or two here and one or two there. Space color groupings across your yard. For instance, put a flat of yellow flowers on the left side of your yard and another flat of yellow flowers on the right side too. I would use those white and gray stones to make borders around your beds. Doing this gives a nice finished look. I know this all sounds like a lot of work so take it slow and enjoy yourself as you go. Edith, remember that you can come back to us with questions or concerns. Good luck.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 11, 2019

    When I was growing our house was the only house in the neighborhood that didn't have a front lawn. Instead we had 8x24 foot long areas of colored rock. One white then red repeating the pattern across the front of the house. We didn't need to mow, no fertilizing. All I did (and as a kid this was torture) was to weed the area about 3 times a year. Always wondered why so many people spent so much time and money keeping their lawn in shape.

    But you could be so much more creative when it comes to the shapes or color of rock used. Interspersed in the rock were were planters. This added much needed color and gave a break to the stone look.

    We are going to use plastic buckets that cat litter comes in to make stepping stones/pavers. A gravel sidewalk with cement pavers is not only nice looking but practical too.

    Here are some pictures I hope you can get some good ideas from these: