How do I organize?

organize iN 15 days

  4 answers
  • Hi Kathy - This is one of my favorite articles on cleaning, organizing and decluttering. It really breaks down the steps of the process, and even includes an interview with TV show Hoarders star Matt Paxton. Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Jan 13, 2019

    That's a big challenge. What do you have to organise?

    If it's rooms then get some card board boxes and garbage bags and start a room at a time. Think donate, dump or keep. Donate in the boxes, dump in the bags, keep back in the cupboard. Do this to each cupboard or room. If you find items that don't belong in that room then start piles for each room or cupboard it should be in, easier then to just take a pile than to keep going back and forth.

    I reorganized my home in this way.

    Kitchen is easiest to organise, you just need to remember, anything to do with cooking need to be close to the oven.

    Anything to do with baking on another side, cleaning under a sink, plates and cutlery close together near dishwasher or sink.

    Use clear boxes to store things in. Under the sink use a box to store cleaning items in, it is easier to remove a box than to search low in a cupboard. Apply this method around the house.

    Good luck.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Jan 14, 2019

    Have you read the new Japanese method of organizing and tidying up? Everyone is using this method to declutter this season...

  • Within the Grove Within the Grove on Jan 26, 2019

    Have you seen Emily Ley's Simplicity challenge?? It's a 30 day plan though!