How to paint over wallpaper?

by Judi
  4 answers
  • Aprile Aprile on Jan 15, 2019

    Not a good idea; painting will activate the glue on the wallpaper and it will start to peel.

  • Don't, just please do not do this. I know people that do and then they seriously regret it. Much harder to remove wallpaper after it has been painted.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 15, 2019

    To remove the wallpaper, score with "paper tiger" using slight pressure - don't press hard enough to dig into the wall behind the paper.

    In a spray bottle mix warm water & either white vinegar or fabric softener (50/50). I use fabric softener because of the smell.

    Saturate and as it gets into the holes, the glue will "melt".

    Scrape with a plastic scraper.

    Wipe walls down with warm soapy water with blue Dawn.

  • Judi Judi on Jan 15, 2019

    Thank you. I keep seeing that this is the ONLY way to remove wallpaper. However, I was told to prime with oil based primer over the paper then in a couple days paint it. I'm not that stupid. I know the paper will get worse and more difficult to remove. So for now, I think waiting until I can have the windows open and it not be 12 degrees is the best idea for me. Thank you