How do you keep lemon tree during winter?

Loren Cannon
by Loren Cannon

How do keep a lemon tree healthy during the winter months without window with direct sunlight?

  3 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jan 15, 2019

    I would buy an LED light for growing plants. You could put a timer on it to give it "sunlight" so many hours a day. Find out how much direct sunlight lemon trees need (I assume full day sunlight) and adjust your light accordingly. They are inexpensive and not expensive to run either. Hope this helps Loren.

  • Deborah Luchak Nester Deborah Luchak Nester on Jan 15, 2019

    I just wrap it with a blanket or sheet for the cold arts blasts... other than that, it should hold up pretty well. Make sure its got plenty of water

  • Even inside it needs light. Purchase or make a grow light.