When is a good time to plant columbine seeds in Colorado?

by Peggy

  3 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Feb 15, 2019

    Are you growing outside I'd put the seeds out now if you can get to ground (no snow not too frozen)They only need dirt surface scratched 1/4 " and seeds put down not too deep under soil. Gardening rule"The smaller the seeds the closer to surface for planting" so sun can reach them if too deep they will not germinate/sprout. They need cold stratification so it'll be good since it'll be cold & snowy still.no matter which way in ground or pots they/seeds need cold stratification. "Will columbine produce flowers the first year from seed? Columbine sown in spring will not bloom the first year; however, plants started in fall will bloom the following spring.Why did I have poor germination with my columbine? Columbine seeds need a chill period to germinate: Seed started indoors should be sown, placed into ziplock bags and refrigerated for 3-4 weeks.Can I grow columbine in a container? Yes, smaller varieties are ideal for containers". here's good info. https://www.burpee.com/gardenadvicecenter/encyclopedia/perennials/learn-about-columbines/encyclopedia__Columbine-article.html

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 15, 2019

    Peggy, May is a good month if you are down off the mountain, or when the weatherman says the nights of frost are past. I would start them inside a month or so ahead in paper or planting cups and transplant them outside when all danger of frost is past.