Why do the walls of my house feel damp?

by Naomiyc

  5 answers
  • Inside? High humidity. What room(s)? You might need a dehumidifier.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Feb 16, 2019

    You require some air circulation so that the humidity dries a little. If your walls are clammy then your home is harder to heat. A good dehumidifier should do the trick.

  • Mogie Mogie on Feb 16, 2019

    Too much moisture in there. Here are a few things to try if a humidifier is out of reach right now.

    Turn on the heat, and let the home reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This will draw out moisture from the furnishings. Turn on the air conditioner. Let the home reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow the air conditioner to run for three hours, and then return levels to normal.

    Install and run an exhaust fan. If you use an exhaust fan regularly, keep in mind that during particularly humid days, the outdoor air may be more humid than the indoor air, so using the fan will only make things worse.

    Clean up obvious excess moisture. The most common examples include leaky plumbing and water heaters, stopped-up drains, and broken washing machine hoses. Check these areas once per month.

    Add ventilation to your home. Ventilation is most important in areas that collect moisture, such as attics and crawl spaces. Attics require 1 square foot of unobstructed ventilation for each 150 square feet of attic space. Crawl spaces require roughly 1 square inch of unobstructed ventilation for each square foot of crawl space area.

  • Oliva Oliva on Feb 23, 2019

    If you're cooking or baking without running your kitchen exhaust fan, you're admitting a terrific amount of moisture to your home.

    When laundering, run a dehumidifier set to no higher than 40 percent. It may need to run, off and on, for many hours until the 40 percent is attained.

    Run exhaust fans in the bathroom during showers and for a minimum of 20-30 min. thereafter. Stop using fabric softener as it negatively effects your towels ability to absorb moisture. Wipe down shower walls and ceilings after showers.

    Use a fabric shower curtain liner, as it breathes better than plastic, to permit water evaporation.