How can I cover up holes in the wall after removing old thermostats?

Sandy Whisman
by Sandy Whisman

Prior to buying our house, the home was heated by wall units in each room. Those were all removed and the house converted to central heat and air. Now these ugly thermostats are in each room that are unhooked and do nothing. I would like to remove them, but not sure how to cover up the holes in the wall. I don't want to have to hang new dry wall in each room, but would seriously like to cover up the holes behind. Without a plan in mind, I am going to leave them there, but they are dated and yucky looking! LOL. Any ideas?

  4 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Feb 18, 2019

    Sandy...We have removed and use wood filler, sanding then paint and it worked nicely, however, there really was no damage other than the small holes..

  • Gloria Zack Gloria Zack on Feb 18, 2019

    Go on YouTube and you will find tutorials on how to patch dry wall with smaller pieces of drywall inserted into the holes. We did this to many places in our drywall where we removed tile towel bars that were poorly installed into the dry wall. It came out beautiful and you would never know there was a patch. Just make sure you have the right tools and materials. It isn’t difficult. Good luck!

  • You may be able to spackle the holes, prime, and repaint. If they are larger holes, you can cut a piece of drywall to fit. It's more involved, but can be done.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 06, 2023

    Depending on the size of the holes some spackle might do the trick but if the holes are big try some rock hard putty you can get that at lowes and it is cheap.