How can you get canna bulbs to produce more bulbs?

Terry Hutchison
by Terry Hutchison

would like to get more bulbs for the following season !!!

  6 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 18, 2019

    Hi Terry,

    Try feeding bulb once it has bloomed and started to fade.

  • Henriette Hall Henriette Hall on Feb 18, 2019

    Dig up--divide--and replant---put a good compost ( you can buy it bagged ) in the holes where you plant the bulbs--sometimes they get hungry--like all things--and need fresh soil, nutrients and fertilizer.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Feb 18, 2019

    just make sure they have lots of sun and lots of water but not so they rot. do not cut them off they need to die off naturally so growth process is completed nutients are pulled back into bulbs. don't put too low into ground should rest near surface and give them some Miracle grow water soluble fertilizer 2x spring then just before they begin to die back seperate the clumps of tubers so you have more & more

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 18, 2019

    Bulb plants need a lot of bone meal or calcium to increase their size and volume. You can find bone meal at the home improvement store. Follow the instructions for applying it.

  • David Bacon David Bacon on Feb 18, 2019

    More caannas:

    You will have to dig the bulbs up in the fall before the ground freezes, preferably soon after the first frost,

    Then separate the bulbs,

    Remove. The excess dirt

    Dry them

    Wrap individually in newspaper

    Place in breathable container

    Store in a cool, not cold nor hot dry place over the winter, dry basements work well. Do NOT let them freeze.

    In the spring plant into the ground at the same depth you removed them from, just after the frost free date for your area

    Fertiliize and water.

    Watch them grow but keep an eye out for insects.

    I planted my first five or six and in the fall when I dug them up I had so many bubs, I had to give most away.

    If they were a food crop they seem like they would likely feed a lot of people.