How can I save an old tree in my yard?

Limbo Forest
by Limbo Forest

I recently bought a house. About 6 years ago a previous owner piled dirt around the trunk of a 250 year old Douglas Fir tree. The dirt covered 1 & half feet more of the trunk than previously. Then they built a circular retaining wall around the tree to keep the heightened dirt in. I'm concerned the extra dirt will rot the covered trunk. Am I right and if so can I save this old tree?

  6 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Mar 05, 2019

    Call or visit your local nursery to get more information for your area and project.

  • Manghi Manghi on Mar 05, 2019

    Yes Miligan is right u should concern with nursery or high authorithies to save the old previous tree i love to see it can u send its pic

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 05, 2019

    Too much soil directly in contact with the trunk could cause all kinds of problems for the tree. There should have been a space between the tree and the ring garden. I would remove the whole thing.

  • William William on Mar 05, 2019

    Soil added around a tree reduces the amount of oxygen available to the roots and slows the rate of gas exchange in and around the roots. There may be less moisture and nutrients available to the roots or too much moisture may remain around the tree's roots. Inadequate oxygen reaching the roots or microorganisms in the soil around the roots can lead to an accumulation of chemicals that can injure tree roots. The tree's bark may decay where soil is newly in contact with it. Damage or injury to the tree because of the added soil may not become apparent for several months or years and generally appears as a slow decline followed by death.

    You can save the tree by removing the soil to ground level. About two inches of an organic mulch will help protect and strengthen the tree without shocking it.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Mar 06, 2019

    yes it will kill tree many factors,rot,which invites pests and fungus remove wall and all the dirt careful not to damage tree by scraping it hope it doesn't have damages already that will kill it. what a shame they did that to such a magnificent tree. check it for bug damages immediately after clearing soil.

  • Limbo Forest Limbo Forest on Mar 06, 2019

    you everyone I will call an Arborist tomorrow. May be expensive but that tree has lived too long to be forgotten.