How do I get rid of weeds and renew a shade garden?

by Janet

I just moved in to a place that many years ago must have had a shade garden. It's now mostly grass and weeds with a few lilly of the valley and day lilies here and there. What is best way to get rid of the weeds/grass and what kind of mulch should I use. I'm a novice at gardening but want to learn.

  9 answers
  • Hi I'm a Master Gardener and you could call your local extension office for some ideas. Depending on if you're going organic or not you can simply pull the weeds and grass. If you're into using chemicals are certainly lots of weed and grass killer is out there just don't plan on everything edible being grown there. There are lots of different kinds of plants, herbs and flowers that will grow in Fairly Shady conditions. Depending on what part of the country you're in that may vary as to what kind of mulch you use. In a hot climate I would recommend staying away from Perma mulch as it holds a lot of heat. If you're in an area that doesn't have to have a summers you could look at barkdust or other natural materials if you're in a coastal area.

    • See 2 previous
    • Good for you, much better for the planet ans cheaper too.

  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on Mar 09, 2019

    Can buy any grass\ weed killer..i prefer roundup..i would by triple shredded mulch

    • Janet Janet on Mar 09, 2019

      I don't like roundup (I've had cancer) but the triple shreaded mulch sounds good. Thanks!

  • Janet Janet on Mar 09, 2019

    Good to know, thank you.

  • Hi Janet - This is the most effective all-natural weed killer DIY that we use. It's even been featured on Hometalk! Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 06, 2024

    Hi Janet, you can pull or dig out as many weeds as possible. Hope this helps, mix 1 cup of salt. 1 tablespoon of dish soap. 1 gallon of vinegar, pour into a spray bottle and spray weeds. Be careful not to spray plants that you love.

    Once you clean up the weeds, plant more shade loving plants & flowers. You can put weed barrier around all the plants and cover it with mulch, bark or even rock!

  • Mogie Mogie on Feb 07, 2024

    It is so simple but it can work a treat. Boil some tap water in a kettle and once ready pour it directly on the crown of your weeds. Larger weeds may take three or four applications in order to stop coming back but this is a low cost and hassle free solution worth giving a try. Just be sure to wear adequate protection clothing so that the scolding hot water doesnā€™t splash back onto your feet, legs and/or hands. Some people have actually seen this method work better than the vinegar method, give it a shot!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Feb 07, 2024

    Honestly I have never had much luck with the vinegar, dish soap, salt combo-in any formula. Either pull them out after the rain or pour boiling water on them, it kills to the root.